Early Intervention for Torticollis

Treatment for children with Torticollis.

Physical Therapy Treatment for Children with Torticollis
Early intervention is very important when treating children with Torticollis.

Early treatment should include the following: Massage
Passive and Active Range of Motion
Strengthening Exercises
Positioning and Handling Guidelines
Visual Exercises
Righting Reactions/Postural Education
Environmental Adaptations
Strengthening and teaching the muscles the important positions for healthy development is the goal.
With a combination of Physical Therapy and parental help at home, your child can overcome Torticollis.

This article has many helpful tips and lots of information for your baby's physical health.

For those of you in the White Plains, NY area, Physical Therapy 4 Kids can help you
and your baby with these needs. Contact us for more information.

Physical Therapy 4 Kids
White Plains, New York
Wendy Kaplan-Lager, PT, C/NDT

#PhysicalTherapy4kids #Torticollis #physicaltherapyforchildren


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