Meet Korbin Jackson

Anything is Possible with Hard Work, Patience and Perseverance.

An important lesson from a 3 year old boy.

A 3 year old Alabama boy overcame severe scoliosis and infant torticollis in his neck with 2 years of infant physical therapy to become a 'Trick Shot Titan'. Using a ping pong ball, he gets the ball into the cup every time!

Korbin is a huge fan of the Splash Brothers, Stephen Curry and Klay Thompson and loves the Harlem Globetrotters. His mom puts videos of him on YouTube  where he has 1204 subscribers. This happy boy is all over social media with the help of his parents.

Success stories like this are great to see. This kid makes us feel like anything is possible.
For those of you in the White Plains, NY area, Physical Therapy 4 Kids can help you and your
baby if you have any concerns about his or her physical movements.  Contact us for more information.

White Plains, New York
Wendy Kaplan-Lager, PT, C/NDT

#torticollis #splashbrother #scoliosis #funactivities #pt4kids #physicaltherapy4kids


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