
Showing posts from 2019

A Pediatric Epidemic

Torticollis: A Pediatric Epidemic Contemporary Pediatrics reports on the Torticollis epidemic. This is an example of solving one problem leads to another problem. Preventing sudden infant death syndrome by having infants on their backs so much of the time, is spiking the occurrence of torticollis. A dramatic decrease in tummy time for babies is causing an up swing in congenital muscular torticollis. Doctors attribute this to babies spending more time on their backs due to “sleeping in reclined positioners and chairs such as bouncy seats, reclined rockers, swings, and car seats” As a result, there is an increased need for physical therapy services and also the use of helmet therapy.  According to this article , torticollis is an epidemic. It’s important for parents to know about early intervention for torticollis prevention. Being informed is very important and half the battle.   We, at Physical Therapy 4 Kids , are on the front line of torticol...

Tummy Time Tips

"5 Tummy Time Don'ts, According To A Pediatrician" Tummy Time doesn't have to be a foreign concept. New parents get a lot of advice, some helpful and some not so helpful. Tummy Time is the helpful kind of advice. It's the DYI of pediatric physical therapy.  You can do this at home and make it fun for your baby. Check out this article for some helpful information about tummy time! As always, feel free to call us with any concerns or questions you may have about your infant. We are experts when it comes to pediatric physical therapy . 914-421-9392 Physical Therapy 4 Kids #pediatricphysicaltherapy #physicaltherapy4kids #pt4kids #Torticollis #tummytime

Tummy Time

Baby Your Baby: Importance of Tummy Time “ Tummy Time is one of the most important things you can do with your baby. It strengthens the muscles in the neck, back, and core.” Tummy Time : Gaining upper body strength and head control, will help your baby prepare for crawling. Parents can help the infant by keeping their arms forward and getting their attention with colorful toys. It’s suggested to do this 3-5 times a day for 5-10 minutes. If you have any questions about tummy time, give us a call for an appointment. We are child development experts with many years of experience. 914-421-9392 #physicaltherapy4kids #pt4kids #Torticollis #tummytime #pediatricphysicaltherapy

The Importance of Crawling

The Importance of Crawling on Hands & Knees Normal development includes babies exploring their environment. That includes crawling on their hands and knees. This leads to the use of opposing arm and leg movements necessary for future walking and running skills. If your baby is not crawling or you observe any other concerns about your baby's development, please call us at 914-421-9392. We are experts in child development, specifically getting your child on target for age-appropriate gross motor skills. We are here to help! Call now for an appointment for an evaluation!!! #physicaltherapy4kids #pt4kids #crawlingonhandsandknees #crawling

Late Bloomers

Late Bloomers will Bloom when they are ready to bloom! The Speed of Children , they have their own timeline when it comes to milestones. Kids will walk when it's their right time. Talk when they're ready. Feeling guilty when your child isn't progressing like the other children the same age. Comparing is not good yet it's the first thing that happens when they're born IE: “pediatric growth chart”. When parents get caught up in the progress of other kids they lose out on the everyday and individual achievements of their own child. Parents need to enjoy every moment of every day that the kids are young because the time goes too fast. Before you know it, your 6 month old is 6 years old! It seems like educating parents on child development can reduce their stress and stop them from making comparisons. We, as parents, tend to stress and worry more when we know less about the subject. Once we learn more about whatever it is, we calm down and accept. The...

Coordination/Balance Problems

Bean Bag Balance Game Physical therapy can be fun. It doesn't have to be all work. When it comes to kids, making physical therapy fun is the best way to make improvements in balance and motor skills.  Working on balance is way more fun when it's a game! #balance #pediatricphysicaltherapy #physicaldevelopment #physicaltherapy4kids #pt4kids #Torticolli #WhitePlainsPhysicalTherapy #coordination

Early Intervention for Torticollis

Early intervention is so important for infants with torticollis. The therapists at Physical Therapy 4 Kids are all pediatric specialists in dealing  with Torticollis & have an excellent track record of recovery.  Contact  # physicaltherapy4kids  to answer any questions about Torticollis.  914-421-9392 # pt4kids   # Torticollis # pediatricspecialists  #earlyintervention

Learn About Torticollis

More to learn about Torticollis Since Torticollis is our specialty, we are always looking for information about it. The more parents know about Torticollis, the better we can treat their child who has it. This article talks about: Congenital Torticollis & Acquired Torticollis. Signs and Symptoms of Torticollis along with causes. Read about how to diagnose it and treat it Torticollis. Don’t wait if you have any questions about your child's growth and development, give us a call at 914-421-9392. We can treat your child. Physical Therapy 4 Kids #physicaldevelopment #physicaltherapy4kids #pt4kids #Torticollis

Dr. First Discusses Toe Walking

Dr. First, Chief of Pediatrics at Vermont Children’s Hospital, discusses "Toe Walking". Seek out a physical therapist: If your child toe walks most of the time Has stiff muscles Is uncoordinated Walks awkwardly Is unable to weight bear on their feet In these *rare* circumstances, toe walking might  represent a sign of: A short Achilles tendon Cerebral palsy A form of muscular dystrophy Possible autism spectrum disorder It is common that a child’s health care professional will find none of these causes for toe-walking. If you think your child is toe walking, DON’T WAIT!!! Call us at 914-421-9392. Physical Therapy 4 Kids   #toewalker #toewalkers #Physicaltherapy4kids #toewalking #pediatricphysicaltherapyWestchester #pediatricptWestchester #pt4kids

Container Baby Syndrome

Container Baby Syndrome Keep your babies moving!!!  Excellent article!!!  If your child is showing signs of not functioning at an age-appropriate level, WE ARE HERE TO HELP! Please call us at 914-421-9392!!! #finemotorskills #sensoryprocessing #milestones #functions #PediatricPhysicalTherapy #WhitePlainsPhysicalTherapy #Torticollis #physicaltherapy4kids #pt4kids

"Resources and Links"

Resources and Links We have some interesting new links on our "Resources and Links" Page. T ake a look. -Autistic Home Decorating: Make Your Home Autism Friendly -12 Ways to Prevent, and Respond to, ASD Wandering -How to Help Your Child with ASD Overcome Her Fear of the Dentist and Establish Lifelong Healthy Oral Hygiene Habits -10 Tips for Getting Your Autistic Child Through a Haircut -The Top 3 Challenges to Finding a Babysitter for Your Special Needs Child — and How to Overcome Them -The Best Strategies for Calming Autistic T antrums and Meltdowns -Do Sensory Processing Issues Get Better Over Time? Visit our resources page for some helpful websites and articles. We've added some new links. Call us! We are here to help! 914-421-9392 #physicaldevelopment #grossmotorskills #milestones #physicaltherapy4kids #pt4kids #resources #languagedevelopment #sensoryprocessing