Late Bloomers

Late Bloomers will Bloom when they are ready to bloom!

The Speed of Children, they have their own timeline when it comes to milestones.

Kids will walk when it's their right time. Talk when they're ready.

Feeling guilty when your child isn't progressing like the other children the same age. Comparing is not good yet it's the first thing that happens when they're born IE: “pediatric growth chart”.

When parents get caught up in the progress of other kids they lose out on the everyday and individual achievements of their own child.

Parents need to enjoy every moment of every day that the kids are young because the time goes too fast. Before you know it, your 6 month old is 6 years old!

It seems like educating parents on child development can reduce their stress and stop them from making comparisons. We, as parents, tend to stress and worry more when we know less about the subject. Once we learn more about whatever it is, we calm down and accept.

There is so much pressure on parents for their
infants to hit the milestones of development that they miss out on the everyday magic of their children. Emphasis should be put on what they can do and not what they can't do.

If you have concerns about your child's physical development and accomplishments, call #physicaltherapy4kids
at 914-421-9392.
Look up their website.

#milestones #latebloomers #physicaldevelopment #grossmotorskills
#milestones #pt4kids #Torticollis #pediatricphysicaltherapy


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