PT4Kids is excited to introduce our newest addition!

 PT4Kids gets a makeover!

Welcome to my brand new Pediatric Physical Therapy private practice. We have now expanded to be the Premier State-of-the-Art Pediatric Physical Therapy office in Westchester. With over 2400 ft.² of space, we can service many, many, children and families from ages two weeks to 18 years. With six private treatment rooms, a 1200 square-foot gym, and the most highly trained and certified pediatric physical therapists, we are here to help! If you know a child or a family who could use our services, please have them call 914-421-9392. Please also like us on Facebook at @physicaltherapy4kids. If you are in the area, please stop by for a visit. Have a wonderful day and hope to see you soon.

#Torticollis #physicaldevelopment #grossmotorskills #milestones #whiteplainsny #westchesterny

#tummytime #plagiocephaly #physicaltherapy4kids #pt4kids #pediatricphysicaltherapy


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