Inclusive Education

How a photographer in China fosters creativity in school children. 

This is an article from China about a freelance photographer, Liu Yuyang, who was awarded the Magnum Foundation Human Rights Fellowship in 2014.

Liu set up a photography class for disabled children and able bodied children. He paired up each able bodied child with a physically challenged child.
They call this Inclusive Education.

Confidence was gained by all of the children.

Being that we have a big problem with bullying in the USA, I'm thinking that this kind of program could maybe teach our children to have empathy and compassion for their fellow students who are a little different. Learning about other people, their cultures, their struggles and everything that makes us humans different and unique would definitely cut down on bullying.
It's really getting our children to socialize outside of their comfort zone under the guise of a class.

The subject of the class could be anything. Painting, basketball, jump rope, chess. Anything the kids would be interested in learning about and participating in.

Understanding those who are different than us could start with our children.

Even though this is taking place in China, I think we could learn a lot from these children and their accomplishments.

Physical Therapy 4 Kids
White Plains, New York 

#InclusiveEducation #physicaltherapy4kids #pt4kids #photography


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