One Mom’s Story

Sometimes it feels like one child gets it all.

This mom of 2 sets of twins tells her son’s story of torticollis. The diagnosis of torticollis lead to finding out that her son is autistic.


“My son was born with severe torticollis and even had to wear a helmet. Fortunately, with physical therapy and chiropractic care, he improved. He hit all his milestones: smiling, clapping, waving, crawling, walking, and even some speech. By comparison to his twin I thought “Well Dominick is not behind, Jonathan is just a little advanced. Besides, he had to go through all that therapy and wear a helmet!” I never put that much thought into it until I noticed he wouldn’t make eye contact, respond to his name, and sometimes he would bang his head on the floor. He suffered from frequent ear infections, so my first overly protective, motherly assumption was, “Oh my God, he’s deaf!” I immediately scheduled an appointment with an ear, nose, and throat doctor.” Physical Therapy 4 Kids White Plains, New York 914-421-9392

#Torticollis #Autism #physicaldevelopment #grossmotorskills #milestones
#physicaltherapy4kids #pt4kids


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