One Mom's Review

When you have a passion for what you do, it's always a wonderful feeling to know you made a difference in the life of a child. Please read what a parent recently wrote about us:

"My son had some flattening on his head as he preferred to lay on one side. We went to a consultation with Wendy in which she diagnosed him with torticollis. We were alarmed. But she immediately put us at ease. She has a nurturing personality and that immediately came through. She first assured us that it was not anyone’s fault and that he can and will overcome torticollis. We left the consult with a wealth of knowledge on the condition, and armed with exercise tools and technique to use at home. Most of all, we had a sense of comfort that our baby would be in capable, highly skilled and experienced hands. I was impressed at all the information she gave us right away and all the tips and tricks she told us to implement right away. No need to wait around for other sessions to get started. She wanted our baby to get better right away. No gimmicks.
A few days later I called Wendy’s office to ask her opinion on a torticollis pillow I’d found online. She answered, jumped on the internet as I’m on the phone with her, read about the pillow and gave me her feedback. I was impressed she took the time to do that without me having to call back or go through a member of her staff first.
Wendy referred us to cranial technologies to address the flatness on his head. We are glad she referred us to such a skilled team. They were friendly, informative and guided us every step of the way through his helmet wearing days.
We saw Wendy for most of our son’s first year and he has flown through his milestones and has full range of motion of his neck and is completely healed of torticollis. It was such a pleasure to watch Wendy do her work which she did with joy and enthusiasm at every single session. She is one of the kindest, most loving person I know. I’m so glad I met her and just want to encourage anyone that needs a pediatric physical therapist to go see Wendy. We knew our baby was getting the highest quality of care in her hands and are confident that we made the best choice in seeing Wendy."
NR, White Plains, NY

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